there are several concepts about the origin of life, namely:
a. Life Originated from the Sea
in the biosphere there are a variety of energy-containing material. matter and energy that comes from the mountain slopes, valleys flowing water washed into the river to the sea eventually.
In a sea of material collected in the form of chemicals in the form of the element carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. With the bubble solution of these elements and chemical reactions occurred at a certain temperature will generate a protein substance of life. Living substance was then that eventually evolved became a living being. living simplest known viruses.
b. Life Originated from the Air
This theory has been proven Professor Urey helped by his assistant Stanley Miller. The theory is called Urey's theory, and this experiment called Miller's Experiment
Chemical compounds in the top layer of the biosphere when exposed to heat will evaporate. Collected atmospheric steam, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon. In the event of lightning which is a natural electrical energy, causing vapors were able to touch and there was a chemical reaction. A substance reaction results in the form of the protein. Substance is at a certain temperature conditions will be transformed into a substance that later life evolved into living beings.
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